- Anoop Bungay, Founder of MQCC.org; developer of BlockChain Zero One™.
This electronic publication is part of the MQCC Bungay International LLC Father of BlockChain™ trademark brand series of lectures, seminars and non-downloadable electronic publications.
Welcome to IOC™, the International Organization for Conformity (conformity.org). IOC™ develops and publishes commercial/defense/military-grade standards related to conformity science & control of the nature, quality or characteristics and extent of the Bungay Unification of Quantum Process Algorithm (BUQPA™) for application in global government, commerce and education.-------The World's Highest & Originating Authority in Conformity Science---Conformity Science: the science of assuring expectations become reality. Home to the International Commissions on BlockChain (ICBC™)icbc.mqcc.org IOC™ is also appointed as the global steward of the MQCC™ Bungay International Knowledge Base Since as Early as April 9, 2005. |
Welcome to the Future of Commerce™IOC™ is powered by the MQCC™ meta-operating system.Since 2006, the MQCC™ is the world's first and only Canada-based, international organization that helps federal and non-federal, government and non-government, national and international regulators and their regulatees to improve general public trust and reduce regulated industry risk, through development and implementation of conformity systems based upon BlockChain¹, "proof-of-work" technology [BlockChain Zero One™] - certified to meet both the rigorous 'National Standard of Canada' for Quality Management Systems, published by the CSA Group (Canadian Standards Association) and USA equivalent: 'American National Standard' (ANS) for Quality Management Systems published by ANSI (American National Standards Institute). The Standard is recognized and trusted by Canadians, USA residents and consumers in over 119 countries including UK & AU and meets or exceeds defense/military standards for Quality Management Systems for critical or complex projects.
The concept of Conformity as a field of study or academic discipline was first constructed and defined by Anoop Bungay and is adopted by the International Organization for Conformity IOC™, as follows: Definition:CONFORMITY SCIENCE /kənˈfôrmədē/ /ˈsīəns/, as a field of study or academic discipline:
Cite this Definition:
Simple definition: Conformity Science: "The science of making sure organizations and their employees function in accordance with statutory, regulatory, process and customer /stakeholder requirements." Even more simple definition: Conformity Science: "the science of transforming stakeholder expectations into reality." Non-Novel means "exact science"; or, as defined by Yourdictionary.com: Noun (plural exact sciences) ( sciences) A field of science such as physics or chemistry which is capable of accurate quantitative expression or precise predictions and rigorous methods of testing hypotheses. Source. CONFORMITY SCIENCE: Benefits
What does a Conformity Scientist do?
Why the IOC™ ? To Develop Standards to Prevent Confusion in the Marketplace: Differentiate Generic and Scientific Concepts from Trademark Source Identifier ConceptsAssure Nature and Quality of MQCC-Licensed BLOCKCHAIN™ brand Goods and Services Conform to Requirements when Used-in-Commerce by Third Parties
What does Nature and Quality mean?
Characteristic or Specialized Characteristic (synonymous with "standard" of "feature")
Trade Channel or Specialized Trade Channel
Providing the "World" with over 20 years of "Evidence of Objective Criteria"Part of the purpose of the IOC™ is to assure that there is no confusion in the marketplace for the source of correct and properly applied principles, concepts and core methods of conformity science by the goods and services that are developed/invented/created and marketed by MQCC™ under the trademark source identifier brand name: "Principles of 'BlockChain'™". IOC™: Identifying and Distinguishing between Generic Application and Trademark Source Identification Application
Indeed, countries, organizations and individuals (COIN™) that are "promoting" 'BlockChain' and 'crypto' are promoting incorrectly because they are not understanding the distinction that distinguishes "generic" terms from "trademark source identifier" terms. For example, the concept system that is the basis of the originating peer-to-peer electronic finance created by A. K. (Anoop) Bungay for creation of the originating trademark "BitCoin™" Fiduciary Utility Service System (FUSS™) for conformity of legal, fiduciary and personal service (peer-to-peer) transactions in global commerce is considered generic use of terminology, namely:
Whereas, the application thereof, when applied in commerce for the originating use for "peer to peer" legal, fiduciary and personal services (Trademark Goods and Services Class 45) the following fanciful, arbitrary or suggestive and incongruous terms serve as a trademark source identifier for MQCC Bungay International LLC, n
Essentially, the majority of the world's 'BlockChain' and 'crypto' marketers are marketing the originating nature, quality, characteristics or extent of the conformity science subordinate concept system known as the: You may read more about these in the text designed for School Children and CEO's; two classes of individuals who want to understand knowledge 'quickly' and 'easily'. See below textbooks and "BlockChain" Definition Website Page for reference. When you read the entry level text books (for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of Government, Industry and Academia; and future "CEO"'s), you will fully understand "How" the concept system of non-novel (exact) conformity science was observed (discovered) and formalized; and how the subordinate concept system: Bungay Unification of Quantum Process Algorithm, also represented as the trademark source identifier "Principles of 'BlockChain'™" and its application in GOVERNMENT, INDUSTRY (COMMERCE and FINANCE) and ACADEMIA resulted in the creation of goods and services available originally from Bungay International Inc. (www.Bungays.com) and now, from MQCC™ (www.mqcc.org). Any Country, Organization or Individual (COIN™) that seeks to goods and similar that encroach on MQCC™ and Bungay International Inc. intellectual property is neither objectively "correct" nor objectively "proper" because they do not conform to the criteria required to become a source for MQCC™ goods and services. Indeed, the United States Patent and Trademark Office calls this process many things, from "passing off" to "trademark encroachment" to "misdescription" to "deceptively misdescriptive". The concept of misdescription is explained below (other concepts such as "passing off" or "trademark encroachment" or "deceptively misdescriptive" are taught at MQCC Corporate University: www.mqUcc.org. As codified in the United States Patent and Trademark Office: Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure (October 2018); 1203.02(d)(i) Objective Criteria: "In assessing whether a misdescription would affect the decision to purchase, the following are examples (not a comprehensive list) of the type of objective criteria that should be used to analyze whether a term is a material factor. The evidence may often point to more than one characteristic, thereby strengthening the examining attorney’s prima facie case. For example, the evidence may show that goods deemed "organic" because they are produced in compliance with objective criteria can also be more costly, provide health benefits, and satisfy a social policy of reducing the impact on the environment by utilizing chemical-free growing practices. The evidence also must suffice to indicate that the misdescriptive quality or characteristic would affect the purchasing decision of a significant portion of the relevant consumers. In re Spirits Int’l, N.V., 563 F.3d 1347, 1353, 90 USPQ2d 1489, 1493 (Fed. Cir. 2009). Generally, evidence of the objective inducement to purchase supports a presumption that a significant portion of the relevant consumers would likely be deceived. Superior Quality - The evidence must support a finding that goods or services that contain or feature the misdescriptive term are superior in quality to similar goods and/or services that do not. For example, silk can be shown to be a more luxurious and expensive material because of the difficulty in making silk, its unique feel, and its breathability. Similarly, cedar wood can be shown to have superior durability and resistance to decay. Enhanced Performance or Function - The evidence must support a finding that goods possessing the characteristic or feature at issue are superior to those that do not. For example, certain wood species are naturally resistant to termite attack or may be more durable than others. There might also be evidence of an increasing interest in reducing the potential leaching of chemicals from treated wood into the environment. Difference in Price - Evidence of a price differential between items that do and those that do not possess the feature or characteristic described by the misdescriptive term may be enough to support a §2(a) refusal, depending upon the nature of the goods or services. It is also important to remember that because a difference in price is relative to the goods and/or services in a particular industry, a particular term may be deceptive for goods and services that are not typically thought of as luxury items. Health Benefit - The evidence must establish a belief that the feature or characteristic provides a health benefit. Religious Practice or Social Policy - The evidence must show that the religious practice or social policy has definable recognized criteria for compliance in order to support a finding of deceptiveness when the criteria are not adhered to by the applicant. For example, a body of Jewish law deals with what foods can and cannot be eaten and how those foods must be prepared and eaten. The term "kosher" refers to food prepared in accordance with these standards as well as to the selling or serving of such food. See The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Ed. 2000. Another example is the term "vegan," which is defined as someone who eats plant products only and who uses no products derived from animals, such as fur or leather. Id. The evidence necessary to establish deceptiveness can come from the same sources used to show that the term is misdescriptive. Internet searches that combine the deceptive term with terms such as "desirable," "superior," "premium," "better quality," "sought after," "more expensive," or "established standards" may be useful in seeking evidence to support the second and third prongs of the test. Applicant’s own advertising - in the form of specimens, brochures, web pages, press releases, or product and service information sheets - may provide the best evidence of deceptiveness. Moreover, the examining attorney should make of record any instances where the applicant attempts to benefit from the potentially deceptive term and where the advertising includes false assertions related to the deceptive wording. Although not a requirement for a deceptive refusal, proof of an actual intent to deceive may be considered strong evidence of deceptiveness." What is a "BlockChain"?For answers to the below questions, please read: BlockChainDefinition.orgIntroduction to MQCC.org and Clarification of a Journalistic Descriptive Claim regarding 'the "World's First" RE: An Application of the Principles of "BlockChain" in Commerce". April 9, 2005 Free Trading Securities of a Financial & Electronic Nature, BeginsIntroduction to the MQCC BlockChain™ The system & technology needed to create the services & products How the Combined Term (Composite) “BlockChain” was Formed: Death of a Trademark, Birth of a Definition Definition of the term (composite, unitary word) “BlockChain” The basic definition of the combined term (composite, unitary word) “BlockChain” was coined [based upon Ontological, Linguistic and Lexicographic principles] by Anoop Bungay founder of MortgageQuote Canada Corp. MQCC™ as: BlockChain : /'blɒktʃeɪn/ Definition History, Origin (etymology) & Construct of the term (composite, unitary word) “BlockChain” Application of the term (composite, unitary word) “BlockChain” during Implementation Private Trademark or Public Definition MQCC BlockChain™ Benefits Visit BITMORTGAGE® to learn more.And read the below text books; and visit the website: BlockChainDefinition.orgIOC-MQCC™ Committees, Commissions & Boards
IOC-MQCC™ Committees
IOC-MQCC™ Commissions
IOC-MQCC™ Boards
IOC-MQCC™ Father of BlockChain™ virtual museum and BlockChain Hall of Fame™ Trademark Brand of ServicesVISIT THE MQCC™ BlockChain Hall of Fame® Website here.
International Commission on BlockChain Standards (ICBC-S™)
To learn more about conformity.org, details about it's mission, vision, values; sub-organizations - including the Accreditation Authority™ - or any other information, please email conformity@mqcc.org.
International Commission on BlockChain Instruction (ICBC-I™)Including:
Email info@conformity.org to learn more. International Commission on the History of BlockChain (ICHBC™)Email info@conformity.org to learn more. IOC™ MEMBER ACCESS
IOC™ JournalInternational Journal of Conformity Science™ (IJCS™)Visit at ijcs.mqcc.org FAQ1 - is conformity the same as compliance? No, it is beyond compliance; think of conformity is "validated compliance". Visit "www.bitmortgage.org to learn more". Read the Conformity Handbook™: BC EditionAvailable at Amazon.com and Google Play; Author: ANOOP BUNGAY Conformity Science BlockChain-Based Professional Careers Conformity Science BlockChain-Based Professional Careers Visit pro.mqcc.org Safety through Certified Levels of QualityInternational Concordance & Standards Development Organizations
Systems Certification to International Quality Management Standards"This product or applicable management system complies with ANSI ISO 9001:2015 standard, with CAN/CSA-ISO 9001:16 standard, with AS/NZS ISO 9001:2016 and is certified to ISO 9001:2015 standard." Including high-quality international standards and guidance from other standard-setting boards.
Systems Certification to the International Certified BlockChain Quality Management System (CBQMS™) Conformity Standards developed by MQCC. "This product or applicable conformity system is registered to the IOC MQCC:CBQMS standard." ![]() All Management Systems Auditors are Accredited by or Members of |
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The MQCC™'s Business Enterprise Quality Management System is Registered to the Canadian Equivalent of ISO 9001:2015 published by:
Canada's National Standard for Quality Management ISO 9001:2015
CSA Group: "Helping improve the safety and quality of the products and services that touch your life." |
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