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"The highest and best use of the trademark source identifier: "Principles of 'BlockChain'is an assurance of conformity through correct and proper application and use of BLOCKCHAIN brand of MQCC Quality Management Systems, Technology, Services and Products."

- Anoop Bungay, Founder of; developer of BlockChain Zero One.

This electronic publication is part of the MQCC Bungay International LLC Father of BlockChain™  trademark brand series of lectures, seminars and non-downloadable electronic publications.

Welcome to IOC, the International Organization for Conformity ( IOC develops and publishes commercial/defense/military-grade standards related to conformity science & control of the nature, quality or characteristics and extent of the Bungay Unification of Quantum Process Algorithm (BUQPA™for application in global government, commerce and education.


The World's Highest & Originating Authority in Conformity Science 


Conformity Science: the science of assuring expectations become reality.

Home to the

International Commissions on BlockChain (ICBC™)

IOC is also appointed as the global steward of the MQCC  Bungay International Knowledge Base

Since as Early as April 9, 2005.  

The MQCC's Business Enterprise Quality Management System is Registered to the Canadian Equivalent of ISO 9001:2015 published by:

 Canada's National Standard for Quality Management ISO 9001:2015
CSA Group: "Helping improve the safety and quality of the products and services that touch your life." 

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Yes, there is a "better way" to trust & confidence in Finance; the MQCC approach is your "better way". 

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